MCA Important Questions 2nd Year 2024

In this post-mater in Computer Application important questions for second year are given.

All questions are compulsory. Prepare answers to all the questions. 

Many of these questions will likely be asked in the upcoming exams. 

These questions are taken from the previous year question paper of mca.

In today's time, there are many possibilities for students studying this subject. 

There is a demand for this subject in every field, be it private organization or government. 

Now coming to the topic. 

You can also make a good note of the questions given below. 

For this write master's in computer application important questions in your copy.

Now read the concerned chapter carefully. 

Understand the concept completely. 

Now try to write their answers to master in computer application second year questions answer in your own words. 

You will not have to remember the answer written by this process again and again. 

You will be able to revise it easily during the time of the examination. 

You have to work hard to get an m.c.a degree. 

Consider this 'master in computer application question paper for 2nd year students' very important, many of the questions given in it have been asked repeatedly in the previous examination and are also possible questions in the upcoming examination.

Some FAQs related to this topic are also given here.

Question:- What is the full form of mca?

The full form of this is master in computer applications. 

This is a post-graduation degree in computer application.

Question:- M.C.A course (Details)

M.C.A Eligibility - (1) 10+2 in Science (Mathematics as the compulsory subject) (2) Bachelor with at least 55% marks aggregate. (3) Bachelor's degree in any of these disciplines like - BCA, BSc, BTech other fields.

Master's In Computer Application Question Paper

Internet Concept And Web Design Imp Questions For MCA 2nd Year

  • Define Internet. Explain the concept of Internet domains with examples.
  • What is ISP? Differentiate between Intranet and extranet and discuss some applications of the Internet.
  • Explain File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and its uses on the Internet with reference to File types, Data Structure, and Transmission modes used to transfer a file by FTP.
  • Define Video-conferencing. Discuss the hardware, software, and internet connection requirements for Video-conferencing. Compare CU-SeeMe and Microsoft NetMeeting.
  • What do mean by web browser? Explain the web server, website, webpage, and addressing system of web-address. Describe Web server architecture and its working.
  • Explain in detail the development phases of a Website.
  • Define HTML. Explain the difference between HTML and DHTML with examples.
  • Discuss the block-level elements of HTML. Give an example to show their use.
  • Define Javascript. Differentiate between language and common programming language with examples.
  • Write a program in JavaScript to display the series of natural numbers up to 20.
  • Explain the following terms- (a) HTML tags (b) HTML ordered lists (c) URL
  • Describe various attributes of HTML. Differentiate between Block-level elements and Text-level elements.
  • What is a Style sheet? Discuss the properties of the Style sheet. Explain how Style sheets are added to a document with the help of an example.
  • Describe different types of control structures used in JavaScript with examples of each.
  • Write short notes on the following- (a) IP addressing (b) Telnet (c) Proxy server (d) Email (e) Semantic linking (f) Meta Information (g) HTTP (h) Search Engines (i) URL.

Object Oriented Analysis And Design MCQ Questions 2nd Year

  • What is Abstraction? Explain with the help of an example. In object-oriented design, what steps must be taken by the designer to design association? Explain the association with the help of a UML diagram.
  • How generalization, specialization and inheritance are closely related? Explain with the help of an example.
  • What are the major features of UML? What is a State Diagram? How are composite states represented in a state diagram? Give an example with a suitable diagram.
  • Draw a D.F.D. for "Library Information system". Assumptions can be made wherever necessary. Draw the DFDs till level -2.
  • What is the use of inheritance? How is inheritance readjusted by rearranging classes and operations? Explain the concept of delegation. How is it useful for implementing inheritance?
  • Draw an activity diagram for a Sales Order Management System. The sales order management system includes sending an order by the customer, confirmation of the order through the receipt of the order, checking for conditions whether the order is normal or special, confirmation of the order processing and finally dispatch of the order and raising the bill.
  • Describe the following terms with the help of an example - (i) Polymorphism (ii) Encapsulation

Computer Graphics and Multimedia Important Questions

  • Describe CAD and CAM processes in computer graphics. What is scientific visualization?
  • Discuss Applications of Computer Graphics.
  • Discuss various Input devices used in graphics.
  • Compare and contrast between Random scan and Raster scan with help of an example.
  • What are the performance parameters of a monitor? Explain.
  • What do you mean by refracting? What is the size of the pixel on a 21-inch diagonal screen with a physical aspect ratio of 8:5 in 1152x 800 mode?
  • Discuss various software tools used for Image processing.
  • Explain Bresenham’s circle generation algorithms with the help of an example.
  • Explain Polygon filling techniques.
  • What do you mean by the composite transformation in 3D transformation? Explain with the help of an example.
  • Explain Translation, Rotation and Scaling in terms of two-dimensional (2D) transformation.
  • What are 3D rotation and shearing? Explain with help of a diagram.
  • Describe some basics of animation techniques. What is Ray tracing?
  • Define Graphical Kernel System (GKS). Discuss GKS standards and GKS Inputs.
  • Define and describe Beizer Curve. What are the properties of the Bezier curve?
  • Describe graphic output primitives and discuss their uses.
  • Write short notes on the following- (a) Polylines (b) Poly-markers (c) 3D projections (d) Depth Buffer (z-Buffer) method (e) Point clipping (f) Line clipping (g) Polygon clipping (h) Text clipping (i) A-Buffer method (j) Depth Sorting method.

Software Engineering Important Questions For MCA 2nd Year

  • Define software engineering. Discuss the need for software engineering.
  • Explain the factors affecting the task set for a project. Describe the challenges for Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE).
  • What is the software process? Explain the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in detail.
  • What are the components of DFD? Draw DFDs, up to the second level for a Railway Reservation System.
  • Compare and contrast the Waterfall model and Spiral model. Discuss the advantages of both models.
  • Describe the COCOMO model in detail for software estimation. What is cyclomatic complexity?
  • What is Risk? What are the different types of Risk? Explain the process of Risk management.
  • Define Version Control. With the help of an evolutionary graph, discuss the whole process of version control.
  • Describe the types of requirements used in software engineering. What is requirement gathering?
  • With reference to the software quality metrics, explain the following: (i) Defect Metrics and (ii) Maintainability Metrics.
  • Define testing. Discuss the software testing level in detail.
  • Explain the various steps in the requirement engineering process. Explain software reengineering with a diagram.
  • Compare and contrast between Black box testing and White box testing with examples.
  • Explain the following testing techniques: (i) Unit Testing (ii) Stress Testing
  • Describe various attributes of software quality with examples.
  • Define modularization? Why it is important? Explain coupling and cohesion in the context of modularization.
  • Explain the various levels of SEI-CMM. Write down the several aspects of creating a good design. Explain each step.
  • Write short notes on the following- (a) User Interface Design (b) RAD model (c) COCOMO (d) Types of software (e) Prototype model (f) Spiral model.

Management Information Systems Questions Of MCA 2nd Year

  • Define data and information. Discuss the attributes of Information.
  • What are the different methods of data collection? How the quality of the information can be measured? Discuss.
  • Explain the classification of Information based on characteristics and application.
  • Explain the Global and social impact of information systems with the help of an example.
  • Discuss Information system architecture with examples.
  • Describe the organization's functions? What are the characteristics of an organization?
  • What are the six key elements required for designing an organizational structure? Explain.
  • Explain the key system applications in the organization? Discuss characteristics of computerized MIS.
  • Describe the different phases of growth of an organization. What are the reasons for the failure of an organization?
  • What are the six major types of organization? Explain with the help of examples.
  • What is MIS? What are the objectives of MIS? Discuss.
  • Discuss the factors contributing to the success and failure of MIS in an organization.
  • What is Supply chain management? How Information systems can facilitate supply chain management.
  • Describe the relationship between ESS, MIS, and DSS with the help of an example.
  • Compare and contrast between Object-Oriented databases and Distributed Databases.
  • Define Expert system. How it is beneficial in the decision-making of an organization?
  • Write short notes on the following- (a) Function-oriented organization (b) Process-oriented organization (c) Hierarchical organization (d) Flat organization (e) Sales and marketing system (f) Financial system.

Operating System Questions Of MCA 2nd Year

  • Define the Operating System. Discuss different types of Operating Systems.
  • Explain in detail the basic functions of an operating system.
  • Explain the structure of the Operating system. 
  • Differentiate between process and thread. What are the advantages of using threads?
  • What is a process? Explain in detail the functions of process management in the operating system.
  • What is process scheduling? Explain FCFS and Round Robin Scheduling algorithms with the help of an example.
  • Why is process scheduling important? Discuss any two process scheduling algorithms with help of an example.
  • Explain the Semaphore with the help of an example. What is a race condition and how does it occur in an operating system?
  • Define deadlock. How can deadlock be avoided?
  • Explain the methods for addressing the possibility of deadlock.
  • Compare paging with segmentation. Explain the concept of first-fit, best-fit and worst-fit algorithms with the help of an example.
  • Describe the Distributed File system. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
  • Compare and contrast between FIFO, OPT and LRU page replacement policies. Give an example to reflect the comparison.
  • How does an Operating System manages Disk space storage? Explain.
  • Explain booting in Windows 2000. Also, discuss security in Windows 2000.
  • Define UNIX. Write at least ten commands in UNIX and explain their functions.
  • Explain Windows 2000 architecture. How does it support memory management?
  • Write short notes on the following- (a) Overlays and swapping (b) Belady’s Anamoly (c) Process States (d) Paging (e) Segmentation (f) Inter-process communication.

Database Management System Questions Of MCA 2nd Year

  • Define DBMS. Explain the components of DBMS in detail.
  • What is an E-R diagram? What are its basic components? How these components are represented in a diagram? Explain.
  • What are Indexes in DBMS? What is the utility of Indexes in DBMS? Under what situations Btree Indexes are preferable over Binary Search Tree Indexes?
  • Write at least ten queries in SQL with their complete syntax and meaning.
  • What do you understand by the term "Normalization" in DBMS? Write a statement for the second normal form (2NF), and discuss the insert, delete and update anomalies associated with 2 NF.
  • Describe the following relational algebra operations with the help of an example- (a) Selection (b) Projection (c) Difference (d) Union
  • What is the role of a Database Manager? Explain the important components of database management with the help of a diagram.
  • Differentiate between Functional dependency and multivalued dependency with the help of an example. How does it support in normalization of DBMS?
  • Explain the concept of concurrent transaction with the help of an example. What are the SQL commands that support transactions?
  • Describe various locking techniques used in DBMS.
  • Explain the following concepts- (a) Primary Index (b) Secondary Index (c) Clustered Index (d) Hashing Techniques
  • Compare and contrast between OODBMS and RDBMS (e) Lossless decomposition (f) Dependency preserving decomposition.
  • Write short notes on the following- (a) Shadow paging (b) Data Security issues (c) Database Administrator (d) Integrity Constraints.

Object Oriented Programming In Java Questions Of MCA 2nd Year

  • What is Object Oriented Programming? Explain the Object and Class with examples.
  • Explain Abstraction, Encapsulation and Inheritance with examples.
  • Write a Java Program that takes two 3 x 3 matrices as input and finds the sum of the two matrices? Define the constructor for initializing matrix objects.
  • Describe the basic features of Java. Why is it called Platform Independent?
  • What is Polymorphism? Explain the advantage of polymorphism. Differentiate between overloading and overriding with the help of a suitable example.
  • Describe at least 10 keywords used in Java with their functions.
  • What is an exception? Explain the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions with an example of each. What is the difference between throw and throw keywords used in Java? Explain with an example.
  • Discuss various data types used in Java programming with examples.
  • Define and discuss arithmetic operators and relational operators used in Java with examples.
  • Discuss the Control statements in Java. Give some examples.
  • What are Iterative Statements? Explain using some examples.
  • Differentiate the following, with the help of examples- (i) Application and Applet (ii) Structure Approach and Object Oriented Approach (iii) String and String Buffer
  • What is an array? Explain dimension and two-dimensional arrays with an example in Java. Explain with the help of an example.
  • Write a class complex to represent complex numbers, with a suitable constructor and function to find the sum of two complex numbers.
  • Write short notes on the following- (a) Benefits of Object Oriented Programming (b) Method Overriding (c) Constructors.
  • What is Stream Tokenizer? Explain the different instance variables defined in Stream Tokenizer. Also, explain the use of Stream Tokenizer with the help of an example.
  • "Java is architecture neutral, secure and distributed programming language." Justify the statement. What is a private access specifier? Explain with an example, how it differs from public and protected access specifiers.
  • Write short notes on the following- (a) HTTP (b) TCP client and TCP server socket (c) Servlet.

Computer Networking Important Questions Of MCA 2nd Year

  • Define LAN. Describe the characteristics that differentiate one LAN from another.
  • Explain the OSI model of the network. What are the advantages of dividing the network into layers? Explain.
  • Explain various topologies of LAN with their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Describe LAN, MAN, and WAN with examples of each type.
  • What do you mean by modes of transmission? Describe different types of modes of transmission.
  • What are digital and Analog Transmission? Explain their characteristics and advantages.
  • Define Multiplexing. Compare and contrast Frequency Division Multiplexing and Time Division Multiplexing.
  • Define Modulation. Discuss different types of modulations with a diagram.
  • Describe the two sublayers of the Datalink Layer. What are the functions of the Datalink Layer in the network? Explain.
  • What is switching? Explain circuit switching, message switching and packet switching.
  • What is a Bridge? Discuss the functions of a Bridge. Describe various types of bridges used in networking.
  • Explain Cycle Redundancy Check (CRC) codes for error detection with the help of an example.
  • Describe the following- (i) CSMA (ii) CSMA/CD.
  • What are the services provided by Transport Layer? Discuss the protocols at the Transport layer.
  • Explain the reasons for Network congestion. How this congestion problem can be corrected.
  • What are the different types of encryption techniques? Explain at least two of them briefly.
  • Write short notes on the following- (a) Transmission impairments (b) Transmission media (c) TCP/IP reference model (d) Client/Server Architecture (e) ATM network (f) Router.

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