BA 1st Year English Important Question 2024

This post is being given b.a first year English literature important questions for the 2024 session. 

These questions are being given keeping in mind the upcoming exam. 

These b.a English subject questions have been asked in the past. 

But still important for the upcoming exams. 

You can increase your confidence after the practice b.a English honors questions. 

Although the interest of students in English subject is not very much. 

But they read it as a compulsory subject. 

These questions have been collected from ba first year English paper. 

These questions are asked from past university papers. 

Ba first year English important questions have come in the university exam. 

That is the reason, we collected these questions from different universities. 

That is the cause of variation in the questions. 

You can also use these questions to understand the ba first year English paper pattern. 

These English important questions can be a better option for your practice, so you must do all the questions. 

You also need to know how long will the English paper be and how much will be the marks. 

Ba 1st year English model paper 2022-2023 has been set keeping in mind the exam. 

You will be given three hours to solve the b.a English honours paper and its total marks will be 75. 

We have mentioned here the ba first year English literature first paper questions as well as English literature second paper questions for students.

Let's start to write the answer.

BA 1st Year English Important Question 2023-2024

BA First Year English Literature First Paper Questions

Explain about the context of any three of the following passages.

  • (A) But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes, Feed‟ st thy light‟ st flame with self-substantial fuel, Making a famine where abundance lies Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel.
  • (B) How soon hath Time, the subtle thief of youth, Stolen on his ring my three and twentieth year! My hasting days fly on with full career, But my late spring no bud or blossom show‟ Th.
  • (C) When Ajax strives some rock‟s vast weight to throw, The line too labors, and the words move slowly; Not so, when swift Camilla scours the plain, Flies „O‟er th‟ unbending corn, and skims along the main.
  • (D) So if a man‟s wit be wandering, let him study mathematics; for in demonstrations, if his wit is called away never so little, he must begin again: if his wit be not apt to distinguish or find differences, let him study the school-men; for they are cymini sectors.
  • (E) For there is no man that imparteth his joys to his friend but he joyeth the more; and no man that imparteth his grief to his friend, but he grieveth the less.
  • (F) Signior Antonio, many a time and oft, In the Rialto, you have rated me About my money and my usances. Still, have I borne it with a patient shrug For sufferance is the badge of all our tribe.

Attempt the following questions.
  • (1) Give the names of two Italian poets whose names are associated with the Renaissance.
  • (2) Who in England was known as „The true child of the Renaissance‟?
  • (3) Who is considered to be the discoverer of the printing press?
  • (4) Mention two historical plays of Shakespeare.
  • (5) Who referred to Bacon as „The wisest, brightest, meanest of Mankind?
  • (6) Name three metaphysical poets.
  • (7) In which year did Charles II become the King?
  • (8) Mention the names of three popular writers of Restoration Comedy.
  • (9) The „Productive activity in literature, art or music under the direct or indirect influence of the writings of Petrarch‟ was known as .............
  • (10) Name three existing plays of Seneca.
  • (11) Name two influential periodicals of the early 1700‟s.
  • (12) Name two prominent periodical essayists of the eighteenth century.
  • (13) What is backgammon ?
  • (14) What role did a Valet de Chambre play in English households?

Attempt the following questions.
  • (A) Write a critical appreciation of Shakespeare‟s sonnet “From Fairest creatures”.
  • (B) Write a brief summary with critical notes of Milton‟s „How Soon Hath Time‟.
  • (C) Write a critical appreciation of Alexander Pope‟s “An Essay on Criticism”.
  • (D) Write an estimate of Bacon as an essayist.
  • (E) Write a summary of Addison‟s „Sir Roger at Home‟.
  • (F) Write a character sketch of Portia in the Merchant of Venice.
  • (G) Comment on the title of Swift‟s monumental work “The Battle of Books”.
  • (F) Write an essay on “The Rise of the Periodical Essay in the early eighteenth century.

Comment on any one of the following passages in respect of the prosodic features.
  • (A) Thy way, not mine, 0 Lord However dark it be; Lead me by thine own hand, Choose out the path for me.
  • (B) How fleet is the glance of the mind! Compared with the speed of its flight: The tempest itself lags behind the swift-winged arrows of light.

Write short notes on the following.
  • (A) Ballad Stanza (B) Rhyme Royal (C) Satire (D) Synecdoche (E) Terza Rima (F) Apostrophe

Comment on the following passages concerning their context.
  • (A) Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising, Haply I think on thee, and then my state, Like to the lark at break of day arising. From sullen earth, sings hymns at heavens gate;
  • (B) But All subsists by elemental strife, And Passions are the elements of Life. The general Order, since the whole began, Is kept in Nature and is kept in Man.
  • (C) Now more than ever seems it rich to die, To cease upon the midnight with no pain, While thou art pouring forth thy soul abroad In such an ecstasy!
  • (D) If I trip him just a-dying, Sure of heaven as sure can be, Spin him round and send him flying Off to hell, a Manichee?

Bring out the salient features of English poetry in the fourteenth century. 

Write short notes on the following.

  • (A) Anne Bradstreet (B) Phillis Wheatley (C) The Fireside Poets (D) Chicago Renaissance 
Critically evaluate the following poems. 
  • (A) When the Assault Was Intended to the City (B) Ode to the West Wind (C) Pied Beauty (D) No Second Troy (E) Death Sets a Thing Significant (F) Damayanti to Nala in the Hour of Exile 
Attempt a critique of the following poets. 
  • (A) Andrew Marvell (B) Thomas Gray (C) William Wordsworth (D) Seamus Heaney (E) Robert Frost 
Question - How is Indian poetry in English different from English and American poetry? 

BA First Year English Literature Second Paper Questions

Explain the context of the following passages.
  • (A) When the stars threw down their spears. And watered heaven with their tears. Did he smile at his work to see? Did he who made the lamb make thee?
  • (B) Five years have passed; five summers, with the length of five long winters! and again I hear These waters, rolling from their mountain springs. with a soft inland murmur — once again. My cradled infant slumbers peacefully. Do I behold these steep and lofty cliffs? That on a wild secluded scene impress Thought of more deep seclusion; and connection. The landscape with the quiet of the sky.
  • (C) Higher still and higher From the earth thou springest Like a cloud at the fire; The blue deep thou wingest, And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest.
  • (D) We are not of Alice, nor of thee, nor are we children at all. The children of Alice called Bartrum's father, we are nothing, less than nothing, and dreams. We are only what might have been and must wait upon the tedious shores of lathe millions of ages before we have existence, and a name.

Answer the following questions.
  • (A) The Reform Act of 1832 benefitted the laboring classes. (True/False) 
  • (B) The poem „Last Ride Together‟ was written by Robers Browning. (True/False)
  • (C) Much of Victorian poetry was written for public purposes. (True/False)
  • (D) the real name of George Eliot was Marry Ann Evan. (True/False)
  • (E) The book „Modern Painters‟ was written by Ruskin. (True/False)
  • (F) The realistic novelist pay particular attention to exact documentation. (True/False)
  • (G) Newman was besides an essayist, a theologian. (True/False)
  • (H) „In Memoriam‟ is a poem written by Tennyson. (True/False)
  • (I) Mathew Arnold was not a leader of the Oxford Movement. (True/False)
  • (J) “The Theory of Evolution” was propounded by Darwin. (True/False)
  • (K) Queen Victoria, ruled during 1837-1901. (True/False)

Attempt the following questions.
  • (A) Write a critical appreciation of Wordsworth's "Solitary Reaper‟.
  • (B) Bring out the theme of the poem „Frost at Midnight‟ by Coleridge.
  • (C) Bring out Keats as a writer of odes with reference to Keats's „Ode to Autumn‟.
  • (D) Critically evaluate Brewing‟s „Prospice‟
  • (E) Elucidate lamb as an autobiographical poem with reference to „Dream children‟.
  • (F) Write a critical appreciation of Hazlitt‟s „On Actors and Acting‟
  • (G) Justify the title of Jame Austin‟s „Pride and Prejudice‟
  • (H) Focus on the autobiographical note in Dicken‟s novel, David Copper field.

Write brief notes on the following.
  • (A) The Shakespearean Sonnet (B) Ballad (C) Onomatopoeia (D) Simile (E) Epanalepsis

What is a metaphysical conceit? Examine Donne's use of conceit in the poems prescribed in your syllabus.

Critically appreciate any one of the following poems.
  • (A) Tintern Abbey (B) George the Third (C) Ulysses (D) The Second Coming
Question - Evaluate the poetry of either Emerson or Whitman with special reference to the poems prescribed for you.

Question - Compare and contrast A.K. Ramanujan and Jayant Mahapatra as Indian English poets in the light of their themes and styles.

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