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Inorganic Chemistry BSc 1st Year Syllabus 2024

In this post inorganic chemistry BSc 1st year syllabus is given for 2024. 

Use this syllabus as a common syllabus.

This syllabus is being given to support those students who have just been admitted in the first year.

Sometimes universities provide updated syllabi to students late or they are delayed in doing so. 

During that time students are not able to understand which topics they have to study in the first year. 

Therefore, they can use this advanced inorganic chemistry syllabus as a guide and make good notes for themselves on this topic. 

Inorganic chemistry is a major subject in the BSC 1st year chemistry syllabus, which is necessary. 

First of all, write this content of the syllabus of inorganic chemistry on the first page of your notebook, after that continue your studies according to the topic. 

With this, you will not miss a topic. 

If your university has also released an inorganic chemistry BSc 1st year syllabus, then follow the same and prepare for your upcoming exam. 

Generally, many topics are common in the syllabus of all universities, so even if you make notes using this syllabus, they will help you in studying for any one year. 

Now let's start.

In this post, I have covered all the topics of the inorganic chemistry syllabus for BSC 1st year which you may need to prepare properly for the exam.

It can be seen that B.Sc Chemistry syllabus can be different for all universities. 

So before you start preparing for the exam, make sure that these topics are covered in your university.

 Again I tell you that, If your university has released the B.Sc 1st Year Inorganic Chemistry syllabus with amendments, then please follow it.

inorganic syllabus for bsc
Inorganic Chemistry Syllabus For Bsc

BSc Inorganic Chemistry Syllabus

Inorganic Chemistry Syllabus For Bsc 1st Year


  • Atomic Structure - (a) Features of H-spectra and Bohr's interpretation of H-spectra and limitation, refinement of Bohr theory. Bohr-Sommerfeld theory. (b) Shapes of orbitals and their labelings, the idea of quantum numbers, Pauli's exclusion principle, Hund’s rules, the Aufbau principle, Electronic configuration of elements.
  • Bonding Models in Inorganic Chemistry - (a) ionic bond: Energetics involved in ionic bond formation. Born Haber cycle, Radius ratio rule, different types of the crystal lattice, Fajan's rule, I.P. Inert pair effect. (b) Covalent Bond: Exceptions to the octet rule, the idea of orbital overlap, hybridization of orbitals (c) Van der Waal's forces, H-bonding.
  • (a) Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds: Acquaintance with IUPAC use of multiplying affixes, enclosing marks, numbers, and letters. Names for ions and radicals, isopoly and heteropoly anions. (b) Acid-Base Chemistry: Bronsted-Lowry definition, solvent system definition, Lowers concept, aqua acids, periodic trends in aqua acid strength, HSAB concept.
  • Periodicity: Pauli's exclusion principle and the periodic table. Fundamental trends of atomic/ionic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity, hardness and softness, first and second-row anomalies, Idea of ct-orbital participation by non-metals and its influence on their reactivity. Periodic anomalies of non-metals and post-transition metals.


  • Hydrogen and hydrides: Position in P.T., isotopes of hydrogen, ortho, and para hydrogen. Hydrides: ionic, covalent, metallic, and intermediate. Hydrogen ion. H2Oz: preparation, properties, structure, and uses.
  • Principles of Metallurgy: (a) Idea of Mohs’ scale of hardness of minerals, Holme's classification of metals into five groups, general methods of extraction their position in electrochemical series and extraction, Gibbs free energy. (b) Principles of various concentration methods: Calcination, roasting and smelting, Role of carbon and other reducing agents. Electrolytic reduction, hydrometallurgy, methods of refining and purification, electrolytic, chromatographic, ion exchange solvent extraction, oxidative refinings. Zone refining, Kroll's process, Van Arkel de Boer's method, and Mond's process.
  • Chemistry of the following metals: (a) Li, Be, Ra (b) Sn, Pb.
  • Chemistry of halogens with reference to extraction, oxidation states, and halides.

inorganic chemistry syllabus
Inorganic Chemistry Syllabus


  • (a) Molecular Symmetry: An Introduction: Symmetry elements and symmetry operations, the center of symmetry, the axis of symmetry, and the plane of symmetry (definitions). (b) Elementary Magnetochemistry: Types of magnetic behaviors, paramagnetism, diamagnetism, and ferromagnetism, the dependence of paramagnetism on S &L.
  • Principles involved in the volumetric estimations of Ag+ ion, Cu++ ion, and Ca++ ion.
  • Principles involved in the gravimetric estimation of Cu++ ion, Ni++ ion, Mg++ ion, Ba++ ion, SO4-- ion.
  • Isotopes: Detection and separation.Tracer technique and applications, radiocarbon dating.

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