Skip to main content 3rd Year Physics Model Questions 2024

Today we are providing 3rd year physics model questions for 2024 Session. 

These questions are for you for the upcoming examinations. 

These questions are very important to know the trend of questions of BSc 3rd year physics. 

You can prepare the answers to these questions with the help of your university textbook. 

Before starting to write the answer to these questions. 

Read the whole lesson on the relevant topic. 

Then start to write the answer in your own words. 

You prepare the answer in your physics notebook. 

Physics notes will help you at the time of examination for revision.

These BSc 3rd year physics important questions have been asked in the previous exams and it is a model questions for upcoming exams. 

You will need these types of practical sets to prepare for your exam. 

These types of questions are asked in final year physics question papers. 

These collections are taken from BSc 3rd year physics previous question papers. 

Solving such questions will increase your confidence level and prepare you well for the exam. 

If you write the answers to these questions in your own words, then you can remember them easily.

This process will save you time and help to memorize the answer for a long period. 

If this question does not match your syllabus then you can use it as a BSc final year physics model paper.

General instruction is given on final year physics question papers like this - Answers to all the questions (short answer as well as descriptive) are to be given in the main answer book only. Answers to short answer-type questions must be given in sequential order. Similarly, all the parts of one question the descriptive part should be answered in one place in the answer book. One complete question should not be answered at different places in the answer book. Write your roll number on question paper before you start writing answers to questions. (Time Allowed: Three Hours) & (Maximum marks:33). 3rd Year Physics 3rd Year Physics Sample Questions

Bsc 3rd Year Physics Important Questions

Bsc 3rd Year Physics 1st Paper Important Questions

Quantum Mechanics And Spectroscopy Questions

  • Write a time-independent Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom in spherical polar coordinates and separate it into three different differential equations for three parts of the complete wave functions. 
  • Why there is an inhomogeneous magnetic field in the Stern Gerlach experiment?
  • Hydrogen spectra consist of a series of lines. Appropriately name them. Which series lies in the visible region?
  • Discuss the change in the rotational spectrum when passing from a rigid to a non-rigid diatomic molecule, with a suitable diagram.
  • Where did classical physics go wrong to explain the specific heat of solids?
  • Qualitatively explain how the photoelectric effect can explain the particle nature of waves?
  • Write a general note on bracket notations of the wave function.
  • What are stationary state solutions of the time-independent Schroedinger equation?
  • Write the form of the Schrodinger equation for a simple harmonic oscillator. 
  • Draw a block diagram of a simple spectrometer with the name of each element. 
  • Find the phase and group velocities of the de Broglie waves of an electron whose speed is 0.900c. (C=velocity of light)
  • Write a short note on the Davisson - Germer experiment. How it can explain the wave nature of the particles?
  • Write the Schrodinger equation for a particle trapped in a box with infinitely hard walls. Solve it for Eigen values and Eigen functions of energy operator. 
  • Find the expectation value <x> for the first state of the simple harmonic oscillator.
  • What are the basic postulates of quantum mechanics? Explain the correspondence principle in quantum mechanics. 
  • Define the expectation value of a quantum mechanical operator and show that it corresponds to a classical observable.

Bsc 3rd Year Physics 2nd Paper Most Important Questions

Physics Second Paper: Nuclear and Particle Physics Question

  • What is Pauli’s neutrino hypothesis? How did it help in explaining the continuous B-energy spectrum?
  • Explain spontaneous fission with the help of the potential barrier principle and a suitable diagram.
  • Derive the expression for energy loss of a heavily charged particle in the medium.
  • Compare between ionization chamber and the proportional counter. 
  • Discuss the radial and phase focussing and their limits in a linear accelerator.
  • Convert one Amu mass into the MeV unit.
  • What is the saturation property of nuclear forces?
  • Electron is not found in the nucleus, Explain the emission of electrons from the nucleus during B-decay
  • What is the significance of the plateau region in the GM counter?
  • Explain the difference between fermion and boson particles.
  • Which fundamental particles are called hadrons? What is their importance?
  • What is the difference between mass spectrograph and mass spectrum?. Describe the working of a double-focussing mass spectrograph with the help of a suitable diagram.  Discuss the liquid drop model of the nucleus. 3rd Year Physics Important Questions 3rd Year Physics Guess Questions

Bsc 3rd Year Physics 3rd Paper Important Questions

Physics Third Paper: Solid-State Physics Question

  • Discuss electric thermal conductivity in metals.
  • Derive Wiedemann-Franz law in metals.
  • Explain in detail Weiss's Molecular field constant and ferromagnetism. 
  • What is magnetostriction
  • What is Cooper pair and coherence length? Write.
  • Write the definition of crystal solid and cohesive energy of an ionic crystal.
  • Write the one-mole average energy of the solid and the two shreds of evidence of phonon existence in the crystal lattice vibrations.
  • What is a Hole? 
  • Write the definition of superconductivity. The magnetic property of a diamagnetic element is dependent on atomic number Z also. Write.
  • Describe the following in solid materials:- Specific heat, Lattice specific heat, Molar specific heat.
  • Write the definition of Miller indices. Describe the method to find out the position of planes in the crystal by Miller indices. Give example.
  • Explain the advantages of electron and neutron diffraction patterns. Compare with the help of their different quantum numbers and characteristics. 
  • Derive the effective mass of an electron in a one-dimensional lattice crystal. Explain the nature of effective mass. 
  • Write a detailed note on the distinction between metals, insulators, and semiconductors.
  • Describe the Hall effect in semiconductors then calculate the Hall coefficient and Hall angle also.
  • Discuss the Einstein Model of specific heat of solids at high temperatures. 
  • Write and derive the B constant in superconducting materials, it is called the Meissner effect.

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