In this post Bsc 3rd year organic chemistry sample questions 2024.
By writing accurate answers to these questions, you can prepare excellent notes for yourself and also make good preparation for the upcoming exam.
It is important to answer all these questions.
The reason for this is that many of these questions have been asked repeatedly in previous examinations.
They come under the category of probable questions in the upcoming exam.
You can also prepare answers to these questions by contacting your teacher or professor of this subject.
This question paper for organic chemistry BSC 3rd year contains some sort of answer and some long answer questions.
You have to try that the short answer should be limited to 200 words and the long answer should not exceed 500 words.
Such guidelines are given on the first page of the question paper in the examination hall.
You have to follow them literally.
By following these procedures, you will be able to attempt all the questions in the exam question paper and get enough time to write accurate answers.
Write down the important questions given below in sequence in your notebook.
After that, clear your concept on this topic by reading the related lesson from your textbook.
Now write the answers to these questions.
You have to try to answer the questions in your own words.
You will have to spend less time memorizing answers written in this nature.
Your time will be saved in revision also.
Let us solve these questions.
Bsc 3rd Year Organic Chemistry Guess Questions |
Organic Chemistry Bsc Final Year
Organic Chemistry Bsc 3rd Year Most Important Questions (Set-1)
- Explain in detail the mechanism of the formation of osazone of glucose.
- Write a short note - Kiliani-Fisher synthesis, epimerization
- Explain the secondary and tertiary structures of proteins.
- Describe nuclear shielding and non-shielding effects.
- Explain the chemical displacement of NPR spectroscopy.
- Explain the principle of spin-spin disintegration.
- What is TMS? Why is it used as a reference compound in NMR spectra?
- Write the mechanism of condensation polymerization.
- Define dyes, and classify dyes with suitable examples.
- What is Scope Synthesis? Explain in detail
- Explain the mechanism of electrophilic and nucleophilic substitution in pyridine.
- Explain Fischer Indole Synthesis.
- What are heterocyclic compounds?
- Why thiophene is more stable than pyrrole?
- Describe any three chemical reactions to form a carbohydrate compound.
- Explain Grignard's reagent reaction in detail.
Bsc 3rd Year Organic Chemistry Guess Questions |
Bsc 3rd Year Organic Chemistry Important Questions (Set-2)
- How can you get 10, 20, and 30 alcohol from the Grignard reagent reaction? Tell |
- Write the method of preparation of the Carbozinc compound.
- Give the mechanism of Kleijn condensation.
- What is protein and what are its characteristics?
- Explain additive polymerization.
- Explain the following - Nylon 6, Malachite Green, Chromophore, Natural rubber, and Synthetic rubber
- Discuss the principle of HNMR.
- What is the importance of TMS in NMR spectroscopy?
- How is the following synthesized from ethyl acetoacetate or malonic ester? Antipyrine, succinic acid, crotonic acid
- Give two methods each for the preparation of payroll, furan, and thiophene.
- Explain how carbohydrates are classified.
- Discuss the constituent product obtained after hydrolysis of nucleic acid.
- Write the biological functions of nucleic acids.
- Write the structure of - Congo Red, Crystal Violet, Alizarin
- Explain the structure of singlet and triplet nitrilase.
- Explain the cationic and anionic mechanism of addition polymerization with examples.
- Give Havartha synthesis of anthracene.
Question - What is organic chemistry in BSc?
Answer - Organic chemistry is the science in which the properties, structure and reactions of organic compounds and organic substances are studied scientifically.