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Bsc 1st Year Physics Model Questions 2024

Bsc 1st year physics model questions 2024 are selected for the upcoming examination. 

These questions have come up in the Bsc physics 1st year exam in the past but there is a possibility that they will also come up in the upcoming exam. 

If you are going to prepare for a physics paper but are not aware of the pattern of questions in Physics then this bsc 1st year physics sample paper will help you to understand the question pattern. 

Therefore, all of you write these questions in the Physics Notebook by adding these questions along with the questions written earlier. 

You will get the important questions of bsc 1st year physics paper 1, bsc 1st year physics 2nd paper as well as bsc 1st year physics 3rd paper. 

Now find the answers to these questions from the chapter in your BSc physics textbook from which this question is quoted. 

Write your answers only after reading those chapters completely. 

By doing this, your answer will be unique and fact-based. 

The person reading the answer will also understand that the answer has been written only after reading the chapter completely. 

To solve these bsc 1st year physics previous question papers, read your written answer repeatedly in the notebook and try to write them on the second copy without seeing the notebook. 

Slowly you will be able to assimilate these answers and you will be able to revise them comfortably even by giving very little time during the exam time.

Let's Start.

Bsc 1st Year Physics
Bsc 1st Year Physics Sample Questions 1st Year Physics Important Questions

Bsc 1st Year Physics Paper 1 Important Questions

  • Explain the difference between the moment of inertia and the moment of inertia.
  • What does it mean if the emulsion ratio is o~=1\2?
  • Explain the difference between inertial and non-inertial reference systems.
  • What do you understand by Planets and Satellites?
  • What are beams and cantilevers?
  • Prove that the curl of the centripetal force is zero.
  • Write the relation between group velocity and phase velocity.
  • What are standing waves?
  • What do you understand by the characteristic coefficient of a damped periodic oscillator?
  • Define the work energy theorem.
  • What do you understand by the radius of rotation? State two spheres of equal volume, same radius, and same external shape, one solid and the other hollow? Curves from the same height are rolled together on a plane, which sphere will reach the bottom first and why?
  • What are beats and pulses in a standing wave?
  • What are the laws of angular momentum? Explain with an example.
  • Write and explain the principle of vertical axes for a plane surface.
  • Show that the acceleration of an object rolling on an inclined smooth plane does not depend on its mass.
  • Show that under central forces, two-dimensional problems can be reduced to one-dimensional and get equal mass.
  • Write and prove the theorem of parallel axes.
  • Establish a relationship between the conservational force F and the potential energy U.
  • What is meant by angle of bend and angle of deformation? What do they depend on?
  • Explain Young's coefficient of elasticity Y, coefficient of elasticity of volume K, and coefficient of stiffness, and establish a relationship between them.
  • Write the characteristics of simple harmonic motion and also write its differential equation and solve it.
  • Write Kepler's laws of orbital motion and with their help of them establish Newton's law of gravitation.
  • The moment of inertia of a solid cylinder of a given mass perpendicular to its length and about the axis passing through the center of mass is minimum. Find the ratio of the length and the radius of the cylinder.

Bsc 1st Year Physics 2nd Paper Important Questions

  • What is the effect of joules? Incorporate the consonant for the Joule coefficient in thermodynamic form.
  • Two bodies A and B whose temperatures are 4270C and 2270C respectively are kept in a vacuum vessel whose temperature is 270C. Compare the rate of heat loss from A and B.
  • What do you understand by Brownian motion? How did Einstein interpret it to obtain the Avogadro number? Calculate Avogadro's number.
  • Describe the principle and method of liquefying hydrogen gas.
  • Find the square-mean-root speed of the nitrogen molecule at 150C temperature and 76 cm (mercury) pressure (Atomic mass of nitrogen =14)
  • Discuss the energy distribution law and on its basis, find the expression for the specific heat of gas with f free order molecules.
  • Explain the Carnot heat engine and get the formula for its efficiency. Also, explain why it cannot be achieved practically?
  • What do you understand by degrees of freedom of a body?
  • What do you understand by the mean path of the molecules of a gas?
  • Derive an expression for the change in entropy of an ideal gas.
  • Deduce and explain Planck's radiation formula.
  • 5 gm of an object is heated at 100k-300k, then calculate its entropy change, here the specific heat of the object is 0.1 calgm-k.
  • What is the first law of thermodynamics? And explain its physical importance.
  • Define the square-mean-root speed of the gas molecules. Prove that the speed of sound in a gas is directly proportional to the square-mean-root speed of the gas molecules.
  • Write Comment - Amount Dependent on Path, Amount Independent of Path
  • Explain Brownian motion and write a comment on it- R.D Parade, Particles of smoke in the air, Flow of fluid in the tube.
  • Explain what is Viscosity Coefficient (inversely proportional).
  • On what does the internal energy of an ideal gas depend? Explain pressure, temperature, and volume.
  • What is the first law of thermodynamics?
  • Write a comment on the following - Law of conservation of momentum, Law of conservation of energy, Law of conservation of temperature
  • What is the entropy constant?
  • Write Comment - Isothermal process, Cyclic process, Rheumatoid process, Isobaric process, Joule's law, Thomson's effect, Emission efficiency
  • If a coin is tossed 10 times, what is the probability that the hand will come up each time? (1) 252/1024 (2) 1/2 (3) 1/1024 (4) 120/1024
  • What is a boson?
  • Comment on the following - Electrons, Electrons in the nucleus, Photons of electromagnetic radiation, Gaseous molecules
  • Why did Einstein get the Nobel Prize?
  • Write Comment - Theory of Relativity, Mass Energy Equivalent Relations, Photoelectric Equations, General Theory of Relativity
  • Write and explain the zeroth law of thermodynamics.
  • What is a heat engine? Define its efficiency.
  • Define and write the unit of entropy.
  • Explain zero temperature on the thermodynamic scale.
  • Write and explain the definition of probability.
  • What is the law of distribution of energy? explain |
  • Write the definition and also state the relation between - average speed, root mean speed and maximum possible speed.
  • Explain Planck's law of radiation and also write its formula.
  • In which area of ​​science was MN Saha's research work and what was the name of his research paper?
  • What did Bohr hypothesize to explain the linear spectrum of an atom?
  • What is the second law of thermodynamics? Mention both these statements and show their equivalence.
  • Derive Kelvin's thermodynamic scale and explain the size of zero and the degree of this scale.
  • Derive Maxwell's equations of variable thermodynamics.
  • Explain the statistic of entropy.
  • Define Gibbs function and prove it also.
  • What are the basic designs of Fermi Dirac statistics (statistically), establish a distribution function for this.
  • How to explain the energy-distribution curve in Venus's black mass spectrum?
  • Describe the biography of SN Bose and his research work.

Bsc 1st Year Physics Important Questions
Bsc 1st Year Physics Guess Questions

Bsc 1st Year Physics 3rd Paper Most Important Questions

  • What is meant by pure and impure semiconductors?
  • A.C. Write the equilibrium state of the bridge.
  • Write the theory of Thevenin.
  • What do you understand by Zener's breakdown?
  • Explain modulation in detail.
  • Write the Barkhausen principle for oscillations.
  • What is meant by voltage regulation?
  • What do you understand by depletion layer?
  • Write the use of a multimeter.
  • Explain rectification in detail.
  • Explain discharging in the L-C circuit.
  • Explain the principle of superposition with the help of experiments.
  • Explain the working of the transistor.
  • Discuss the working of the R-C coupled amplifier.
  • Discuss the capacitor input filter.
  • Explain the working of a linear diode detector.
  • Define transistor constant.
  • Discuss the working mechanism of the p-n junction diode.
  • Describe the power in an amplitude-modulated wave.
  • Explain the Barkhausen principle for continuous oscillation.
  • Explain the principle and working of the Sering bridge to obtain suitable condenser capacitance.
  • The Zener diode acts as a voltage regulator, explain.
  • Describe the cathode ray oscillograph and explain its common use.
  • Explain amplitude modulation. Show its frequency spectrum and waveform of amplitude-modulated voltage.


Question - How many papers are there in BSc Physics 1st year?

Answer - Paper-1 (Special Theory of Relativity, Mechanics and Properties of Matter, Waves, and Vibration) Paper-2- (Theory, Thermodynamics) & Practical Paper.
