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Bachelor Of Library Science Model Questions 2024

Today in this post-bachelor of library science model question set has been given for 2024. 

By solving these questions you can understand the pattern of questions asked in the exam. 

You can also get a great job by studying for a Bachelor of Library Science. 

Before doing a master's in this subject, you have to get a library science bachelor degree. (BLIS) This is its criteria. 

A bachelor of library and information science can also be done through distance learning. 

IGNOU is one of the open universities for distance learning courses. 

Library Science Question Paper PDF is available on many websites according to the year, you can also use them. 

The questions given here have been asked in the previous exam, and they are likely to appear in the upcoming exam. 

The correct answer to these questions, read the relevant textbook and write the answer in your own words. 

With this, you will be able to remember it in less time. 

The career scope of a bachelor of the library is very good. 

You can get both private and government jobs. 

You can also take the help of an advanced library book or professor to solve Library Science's most important questions. 

Some of these Library Science related questions can be seen in the question paper in the previous examination. 

With their help and with the help of the Bliss question bank, these questions have been compiled and prepared for the examination.

Let us prepare notes for ourselves by solving librarian exam questions.

Along with bliss important questions, FAQs are also given here.

Bachelor Of Library Science
Bachelor Of Library Science Sample Questions

Bachelor Of Library And Information Science Most Important Questions 

(Library science important questions)

Foundation Of Library And Information Science Questions

  • Define resource sharing and discuss its needs and objectives.
  • Define the Library and explain its functions.
  • Write an essay on Library Movements in India.
  • Discuss the role of the Library and Information Centre in Education.
  • What do you understand by the National Library? Discuss the activities of the National Library of India.
  • Explain the implications of the First Law of Library Science in the functioning and development of Libraries.
  • What do you understand by the Library Association? Discuss the activities of the Indian Library Association.
  • Explain the objective, need and components of Library Legislation.
  • Write an essay on the plans, programmes and policies for library development in India.
  • Write a brief essay on Library Furniture and equipment.
  • The fifth law of library science states "Library is a growing organism". Discuss.
  • Discuss the role of RRRLF in promoting the library and information-related activities in India.
  • Describe the progress of libraries in India in the post-independence period.
  • What is a Network? Describe a prominent library network in India.
  • Define Information Policies and discuss National Information Policy
  • Describe the objective and functions of IASLIC.
  • Discuss the contribution of UNESCO towards the development of the library.

Management Of Library And Information Centres Questions

  • Explain the planning and procedures involved in the procurement of periodicals.
  • What is "Human Resource Management"? Discuss its functions.
  • Define Management Information System (MIS). Discuss its advantages and problems.
  • What is Marketing? Explain the factors of Library Marketing.
  • Discuss the principle of "Book Selection" given by Melvil Dewey.
  • Describe some common micro-organisms and pests that cause damage to books.
  • What is Library Binding? Discuss its objectives and process.
  • Define Total Quality Management (TQM) and describe its main limitations.
  • What is a Library Committee? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
  • Describe the merits and demerits of Stock Verification. Discuss the various methods of stock verification adopted by libraries.
  • What is Marketing? Explain the factors of Library Marketing.
  • Discuss the provision of the constitution of the library committee from the national level to the district level.
  • What do you mean by "Library Budget"? Discuss the various methods of preparing a library budget with examples.
  • What is Library Statistics? Discuss its importance in the development of the Library.
  • Explain POSDCORB in brief.
  • What is "Human Resource Management"? Discuss its functions.
  • What do you mean by acquisition? Explain different steps of book acquisition.
  • Critically examine the 'Staff Formulae' given by Dr S. R. Ranganathan.

Library Classification Most Important Questions

  • Define the canon of library classification. Explain canon for an array of classes. (Define Library Classification. Discuss its needs and purposes.)
  • What do you mean by a Notational System? Explain different devices to its development.
  • What do you understand by the term "Mnemonics"? Discuss its types by giving suitable examples.
  • What are common isolates? Explain their use in UDC and DDC.
  • Define Notation and discuss the types and qualities of good notation.
  • Define Phase Relation. Describe their types with examples.
  • Discuss five fundamental categories with examples.
  • Write an essay on the system approach and five fundamental categories.
  • Define call numbers and discuss their components and functions.
  • Describe the following- (a) Canons for chain of classes (b) Book Number 
  • State with examples of the salient features of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC).
  • Explain the different modes of formation of subjects.
  • Describe for example the Indicator digits used in colon classification.
  • Discuss briefly the genesis and evolution of colon classification.
  • State with examples of the salient features of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC).
  • What do you understand by the canon of Library Classification? Explain the canon for characteristics with examples.
  • Write an essay on the principles of helpful sequence.

library science question bank
Library Science Gess Paper

Library Cataloguing Theory Most Important Questions

  • Explain the Utility of a Library Catalogue in the context of the five laws of library science.
  • What is a Library Catalogue? Point out the difference between a Library Catalogue and a Bibliography.
  • Describe in detail the canon of Recall Value.
  • Enumerate different physical forms of the Library Catalogue. Discuss different types of Modern forms of Library Catalogue.
  • Define Bibliography. Point out the differences between a library catalogue and a bibliography.
  • Write an essay on "History of Catalogue".
  • Describe in brief the various canons of Cataloguing.
  • Discuss the rendering of the conference according to AACR-II and CCC with examples.
  • Discuss the Origin and salient features of AACR II.
  • What do you understand by Entry? Describe the kinds of entries in detail according to AACR-II.
  • Why Cutter is called the father of modern cataloguing? Enumerate his contribution towards the development of cataloguing codes.
  • Explain with examples the canon of Individualization.
  • Explain the following- (a) Catalogue and Accession Register (b) Catalogue and Index 
  • Discuss with examples word by word and letter by letter system of filing catalogue cards.
  • Write an essay on Cooperative Cataloguing.
  • Describe the Origin and Development of ISBD.
  • What is the Standard Bibliographic Record Format? Describe the purposes of ISBD.
  • What do you understand by centralized cataloguing? How does it differ from cooperative cataloguing?
  • What is a union catalogue? Discuss its prerequisites.

Reference Services And Information Sources Most Important Questions

  • Preparation, Service and Assimilation are the main stages of Reference Service. Discuss it with suitable examples.
  • Define reference service. Enumerate the types of reference sources required by the library to provide ready reference service.
  • Discuss the usefulness of Information Services in the Library.
  • What is literature search and Describe its different search techniques?
  • Explain in detail about Modern Communication Media.
  • What do you understand by Web Resources? Name the important different web resources.
  • Describe the main features of any two Trade Bibliographies.
  • Define a directory and describe its type.
  • What do you understand by Documentary and Non-documentary Sources? Briefly describe the Non-documentary sources.
  • Explain the Indexing Service of 'Current Contents' and 'Science Citation Index'.
  • Evaluate the "LISA".
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Index Medicus (b) Social Science Citation Index
  • What is SDI? Explain the steps involved in providing SDI.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) National Yearbook (b) Subject Encyclopedia (c) Abstracting Periodical
  • What is Literature Search? Describe its different search techniques.
  • Write an essay on the effect of new technologies on information services.
  • What are the Current Event Sources? Throw light on its importance.
  • Write an essay on "National Bibliography".
  • Give an account of Information Activities in India with special reference to "NISCAIR"
  • What is C.A.S? How does C.A.S differ from S.D.I "?

Computer In Library Management Most Important Questions

  • Define networking. Explain the components of networking.
  • Define Information and discuss its needs.
  • Explain the basic requirements of a computer-based serial control system.
  • Give a brief history of computer generation describing the distinct features of each generation.
  • What do you mean by Library Automation Software? Explain the evaluation of Library Software.
  • Explain the role of the operating system in the use of a computer and discuss the essential features of single-use and multi-user operating systems.
  • What do you understand by professional ethics? Explain standing professional ethics related to library professionals.
  • What do you understand by the term 'Software'? Explain the difference between system software and application software.
  • Discuss the objectives and services of INFLIBNET.
  • What do you understand by networking? Explain different types of networks.
  • What do you understand by the digital library? Explain the development and form of the digital library.
  • Write an essay on the use of computers in the library housekeeping operation.
  • Write short notes on the following- (a) Facet of IT (b) Output Devices (c) Search Engine (e) Intranet
  • Write short notes on the following- (a) Information Network (b) Virtual Library (c) OCLC (d) DEL NET
  • Distinguish between computer software & hardware. Explain the nature of PC software.
  • Explain the role of Library and Information Professionals in the Electronic Environment.

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