M.sc Zoology 1st Year Important Questions 2024

In this post m sc zoology important questions for first year of 2024 are given here. 

The questions in this are included from M.sc Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and question bank. 

These are also important for the upcoming exams. 

Zoology questions given in this question set have been repeatedly asked in previous exam papers and are likely to be asked in the upcoming exams also. 

That's why they are included here in this set. 

So you take them seriously. 

By writing the answers to these questions, you can prepare good m.sc zoology notes for yourself. 

If you want the m.sc zoology 1st year question paper pdf form, then you can prepare its pdf with the help of Google Docs. 

Before writing the answers to these questions, read the relevant chapter in the textbook. 

After that try to write the answer in your own words. 

Msc zoology notes will be prepared by this process, it will be easy to remember. 

Do not think that only the questions given in this set will be asked in the examination. 

This question set is for your m.sc first year zoology model question paper, which will help you understand the pattern of the question paper. 

This will work as a guide for you. 

You can download more such m.sc first year zoology sample question papers for exam preparation from the internet and use them as practice papers. 

All the questions of m.sc zoology question paper given below are mandatory. 

You can take the help of a textbook or advanced zoology book in writing answers to the questions given here. 

Because these questions can be asked again in the question paper. 

When you get the m.sc 1st year zoology question paper from the invigilator in the examination hall, then, first of all, check the entire question paper and confirm that the zoology question paper given by the invigilator is error-free. 

There should not be any page missing or any question in the Zoology question paper should not be misprinted. 

If there is such a thing then request another question paper from the class invigilator. 

Write your answers as per the instructions given in the Zoology First Year question paper received in the examination hall. 

Try to make your answer informative by using as many words as are asked in the instructions to answer the questions. 

After writing the answers to all the questions in the question paper received in the examination hall, definitely revise once. 

Let us solve these questions.

Zoology Exam Questions

M.sc Zoology 1st Year Questions On Chordates Non Chordates

  • Give an account of filter feeding in Polychaeta.
  • What is Coelom? Describe the organization of Coelom in Annelida.
  • Give an account of respiratory pigment in invertebrates.
  • Describe the organ of respiration in Prawns.
  • Describe ciliary and flagellar movement in Protozoa.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Medusa of obelia colony (b) Trochophore larva (c) Bipineria larva
  • Describe hydrostatic movement in Coelenterates.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Tracheal system (b) Nephridia (c) Pseudo coelomate (d) Species concept
  • Give an account of derivatives of integuments in vertebrates.
  • Describe the different components of Blood.
  • Describe the aortic arches in Amphibia and compare them with the aortic arches of mammals.
  • Describe the different types of feathers found in birds.
  • Describe the different air sacs found in birds.
  • Describe the structure and affinities of Balanoglossus.
  • What is neoteny or paedogenesis in Amphibian?
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Contour feathers (b) Ctenoid scale (c) Echidna (d) Wheel organ (e) Adaptive radiation (f) Sebaceous gland.

M.sc Zoology 1st Year Taxonomy And Biodiversity Conservation Imp Questions

  • What is the rule of Zoological nomenclature? Write a short note on the international code of zoological nomenclature.
  • What is the taxonomic key? Give different types of taxonomic keys.
  • Describe the major features of biosphere reserves and their significance.
  • Describe various categories of species.
  • Describe different types of biodiversity.
  • Describe the application of biosystematics in biology.
  • Describe the process of typification.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Taxon (b) Species concept
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Population Systematic (b) Genetic Diversity (c) Zoological types (d) Cytotaxonomy and Molecular taxonomy
  • What do you mean by wildlife? How does it help in the maintenance of the environment? (Describe Wild Life Conservation in India.)
  • Describe the characteristics and features of faunal adaptation of the marine biome.
  • Describe characteristics and adaptations in the forest biome.
  • Give an account of various theories of biodiversity variation.
  • Give different reasons that tropical forests are vital to the World's ecosystem.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Core Zone (b) Census of threatened species (c) Captive breeding (d) Benthos (e) Zooplankton.

M.sc Zoology 1st Year Biology And Toxicology Important Questions

(Ecology, Environmental Biology And Toxicology)

  • Discuss the nich Concept with Special reference to its ecological significance.
  • The great diversity of tropical rain forests is explained by the competitive exclusion principle, Why?
  • Describe different categories of mutualism. How has mutualism evolved in nature?
  • Describe the Nitrogen cycle in detail.
  • Describe the role of predation in nature.
  • What is the Ecological Model? Discuss the fundamentals of the ecological model.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Net productive rate (b) Competition (c) Intertidal zone (d) Deciduous forest (e) Pyramid of energy (f) Mutualism (g) Predation
  • Describe different types of life tables with examples.
  • Explain how animals adapted to the change in environment.
  • How do humans interfere with the carbon cycle?
  • Give an account of the environmental acts of India.
  • Discuss the environmental stress on animals.
  • Describe the role of light and pressure on the survival of the organism.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Acclimatization (b) Oxygen toxicity (c) Acid rain (d) Estuaries (e) Coastal regulation zone (f) Mountain Sickness.

M.sc Zoology First Year Questions On Evolution And Ethology

  • Give an account of the social organization of insects, giving the example of honeybees.
  • Describe in detail Intra Sexual Selection.
  • Define learning and give an account of types of learning.
  • What do you mean by Parental Care? Describe parental care in Amphibians.
  • Describe the types of signals and their role in communication among animals.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Diapause (b) Circadian Rhythm (c) Navigation (d) Orientation (e) Habitat Selection (f) Species Concept
  • Describe Neo-Darwinism in detail.
  • What do you mean by isolation also discuss isolating mechanism.
  • Write an essay on macro and microevolution.
  • Describe the "Hardy-Weinberg Law" of genetic equilibrium.
  • What are the major trends in the evolution of Primates?
  • Write an essay on Lamarkism.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Species concept (b) Reproductive variation (c) Lethal mutation (d) Phenotype (e) Gene Pool (f) Neo-Lamarkism.

M.sc Zoology First Year Biochemistry Important Questions

  • Give an account of the biological role of plasma lipoprotein.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Glucose transport (b) Facilitated diffusion.
  • Describe the structure and function of different proteins.
  • Describe the structure and functions of carbohydrates.
  • Give an account of the significance of active transport.
  • Give an account of the biological role of plasma lipoproteins.
  • Describe the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acid.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Ketogenesis (b) Hypoglycemia.
  • Give an account of the concept of the metabolic pool.
  • Write an essay on Glycolysis.
  • Describe the properties and classification of protein.
  • Write notes on- (a) Hypoglycemia (b) Facilitated diffusion
  • Discuss the hexose monophosphate shunt pathway.
  • Describe the events in the initiation and elongation of peptide chains in eukaryotes.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Ribozyme (b) Na+K+ pump (c) Enzyme transformation (d) Catalytic activity of enzyme (e) Operon concept.

M.sc Zoology First Year Cytogenetics And Microbial Genetics Questions

  • Describe the characterization of human chromosomes on the basis of the different banding techniques.
  • With the help of a diagram, describe the events of alternative splicing that lead to sex determination in Drosophila.
  • Describe the structural and functional organization lambrus chromosome.
  •  State and explain the way of chromatin remodeling.
  • Describe the methods of heterokaryon selection.
  • Explain these - (a) Bacterial genome (b) G-Banding
  • Describe the sex-chromosome abnormalities of human beings and also mention their syndromes.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Nucleosome organization (b) Polytene chromosome (c) Radiation hybrid (d) Squash preparation
  • Describe the separation of chromosomes by flow cytometry.
  • Describe the physical mapping of chromosomes.
  • Describe Down's syndrome & Klinefelter syndrome.
  • Give an account of the fingerprinting technique of DNA and its application.
  • Describe the cytogenetic effect of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
  • Describe the genetic regulation of the cell cycle in eukaryotes.
  • Describe the separation of chromosomes by flow cytometer.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Bacterial genome (b) Turner's Syndrome (c) F-factor (d) Transduction (e) FISH (f) Bacteriophage.

M.sc Zoology First Year Genetic And Molecular Biology Questions

  • Describe the promoter sites for initiation of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.
  • Explain the example of DNA replication in Eukaryotes.
  • Describe the two classical experiments which demonstrated the semi-conservative mode of DNA replication.
  • Describe the process and regulation of the export of m-RNA.
  • Describe the process of splicing.
  • What is the role of RNA in DNA replication?
  • What is molecular biology? Discuss the important scopes for humans.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Enhancer site (b) Sigma factor (c) RNA editing (d) Elongation factor (e) Polymerase (f) Antiterminator
  • What do you mean by chromosome maps? Explain.
  • Describe the translation process in Prokaryotes.
  • Differentiate between transcription and translation.
  • Describe the mechanism of DNA repair.
  • Describe the process of gene cloning.
  • Describe the recombination of Protein in E.Coli
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Gene Conversion (b) Translation (c) AFLP (d) Reverse Transcription (e) RELF (f) Central dogma (g) Sigma factor.

M.sc Zoology First Year Chemical Principles And Instrumentation Imp Questions

(Basic Physiology And Chemical Principles And Instrumentation Questions)

  • Describe the process of electron transport and release of energy.
  • What are radioactive isotopes? Discuss its use in the treatment of Disease.
  • What is free energy? Describe its role in biochemical reactions.
  • Describe the process of glycolysis.
  • Give a detailed account of the prospects of Biochemical engineering.
  • Discuss the third law of thermodynamics.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) HMP-Shunt (b) Energy rich bonds (c) ATP (d) PH scale (e) Free energy (f) Buffers
  • Describe in detail the application of the photometer.
  • Give an account of different types of Electrophoresis.
  • What are the special features of HPCL?
  • Give an account of thin-layer chromatography.
  • What is the use of a Cholorimeter? Explain it.
  • Discuss the different components of HPCL.
  • Give a brief idea of ultracentrifugation.
  • Discuss in detail Photosensitization.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) X-Ray (b) Indicator (c) ESR (d) TLC (e) Limitation of pH Scale (f) Photo inhibitors.


Question - How many questions are there in MSc zoology?

Answer - The question is given topic-wise, and it depends on the university, how many questions are given to solve on one topic. Generally, 10 to 12 questions can be asked on one topic. Generally, there are 8-8 topics in Paper-1 and Paper-2 separately and 10 questions in each topic. So the total number of questions became - 80.

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