M.A. First Year Psychology Important Questions 2024

In this post, m.a. first year psychology important questions given for the session 2024.

All these questions are necessary for the practice of the upcoming examination. 

It has been asked in MA psychology previous year question paper. 

But they are relevant even today. 

For the selection of all these questions m.a. First year psychology previous year question paper has been made the basis. 

All those questions have been included which have been asked many times in the examination.

If you want to score good marks in the psychology master exam then prepare answers to these questions. 

Use your textbook to prepare your answers to the questions. 

These questions will improve your knowledge. 

It is also important for those students who want to solve Psychology entrance exam question papers. 

To prepare answers to these questions, write them in your notebook. 

After that read the chapter related to your textbook and try to write the answer. 

By reading the chapter several times, you will be able to know the answers to many more questions. 

Through these questions of m.a. first year psychology question paper, you can practice properly.

In the context of this topic, you must find the answer to this question - what does psychology do?.

A short answer can be - You can say that Psychologists try to understand emotions, behavior, feelings, and thoughts. They use the techniques to assess and observe the theory for beliefs and feelings. This influences individuals. 

Now comes to the point.

Try to write the answers to these questions in your own words. 

So that you can easily remember them. 

How many questions are there in this subject - chapter-wise questions have been asked?

M A Psychology Questions

M.A. First Year Fundamental Of Psychology Questions

(Fundamentals of Basic Psychology)

  • Describe the merits and limitations of the experimental method of Psychology.
  • Throw light on the perspectives of fundamental Psychology.
  • Evaluate Gestalt Theory of Perception.
  • What is the survey method? Explain its types.
  • Evaluate the Drive theory of motivation.
  • Evaluate any one theory of Perception.
  • Show your acquaintance with Lindsley's theory of emotion.
  • Evaluate the drive theory of motivation.
  • Critically analyze Schechter-Singar's theory of emotion.
  • Discuss the methods of measuring emotion.
  • Explain the Need-Drive-Incentive formula. Describe the criteria of motivated behavior.
  • Critically analyze Schechter-Singer's theory of emotion.
  • Describe the various causes of Stress.
  • Show your acquaintance with meaning and various reactions to stress.
  • Discuss the strategies for coping with stress.
  • Describe Maslow's or Roger's theory of Humanistic Psychology.
  • Describe Maslow's theory of Humanistic Psychology.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Survey method (b) Cross-sectional method (c) Determinants of attention (d) Zeigarnik effect (e) Determinants of attention (f) Zeigarnik Effect

M.A. First Year Cognitive Psychology Questions

  • Define cognitive learning. Describe effective methods of learning.
  • Describe the effective methods of human learning.
  • Discuss Skinner's theory of learning.
  • Critically examine the Stimulus-Response contiguity theory of learning.
  • Evaluate Pavlov's classical conditioning theory of learning.
  • Describe either Atkinson-Shiffrin Buffer or Waugh-Norman's model of memory.
  • Discuss any one model of memory.
  • Describe the characteristics of Short-term Memory or Long-term Memory.
  • Explain the following- (a) reinforcement (b) Factors of Extinction (c) Sensory memory
  • Evaluate Spearman's two-factor theory of Intelligence.
  • Describe factors influencing concept development.
  • Describe Gardner's theory of Intelligence
  • Critically evaluate Thurstone's group factor theory of intelligence.
  • Define creativity and describe its main determinants.
  • Describe Guilford's Tri-dimensional model of intelligence.
  • Define the concept and describe the main methods to measure it.
  • What is thinking? Discuss its main types.

M.A. First Year Neuropsychology Questions

  • Throw light on the structure and types of neurons.
  • Discuss the structure and functions of either the Central Nervous System or the Somatic Nervous System.
  • Describe the structure and functions of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Throw light on the biological bases of receptors and adjustors.
  • Throw light on the neurological method of investigation.
  • Discuss the main techniques of neuropsychological assessment.
  • Explain frontal lobe syndromes and discuss the behavior disorders associated with them.
  • Explain the meaning of parietal lobe syndromes. Discuss some of the behavior disorders associated with it.
  • Describe the neurophysiological bases of hunger and thirst motives.
  • Discuss the meaning and structural aspects of cerebral asymmetry.
  • Show your acquaintance with the main fields of neuropsychology.
  • Explain the following- (a) Neuro hypothesis (b) Computerized Tomography Scan (CTS) (c) Hormonal and neural bases of sex motive (d) Magnetic Resonance Imaging-MRI (e) Electro Encephalo Gram-EEG
  • Write short notes on the following- (a) Neuro Hypothesis (b) Adjuster (c) Computerized Tomography Scan-CTS
  • Throw light on the aspects of cerebral symmetry.

M.A. First Year Social Psychology Questions

  • Define Social Psychology? Describe social psychology as an applied science.
  • Discuss the major determinants of social power.
  • Describe the structure and types of a group.
  • Define national character. Discuss some of the factors influencing it.
  • Mention the causes and prevention of either poverty or unemployment.
  • Define Social loafing. Discuss its main determinants.
  • Discuss any one theory of the emergence of leadership.
  • Show your acquaintance with the following- (a) Perceptual Defense (b) Social Change and its Causes
  • Describe Fiedler's theory of leadership.
  • Evaluate either the Balance theory or Exchange theory of interpersonal attraction.
  • Explain the meaning of helping behavior. Discuss the main techniques of it.
  • Discuss either Thurstone's or Likert's method of measurement of attitude.
  • What is the interpersonal attraction? Evaluate any one theory of it.
  • Define pro-social behavior and describe its main types.
  • Discuss either Thurstone's or Likert's method of measurement of attitude.
  • Present a brief estimate of major theories of altruistic behavior.
  • Discuss some of the major theories of altruistic behavior.

M.A. First Year Research Methodology Questions

  • Define Psychology research. Discuss its merits and demerits.
  • Evaluate the interview or questionnaire method as a tool of psychological research.
  • Discuss the merits and limitations of the non-experimental method.
  • Describe the sources of locating a research problem.
  • Describe the various sources for formulating the research hypotheses.
  • Distinguish between the following- (a) Interview and Interview schedule (b) Research problem and research hypothesis
  • Throw light on the meaning purpose and importance of research design.
  • What is a variable? Describe its main types.
  • Explain the merits of the following- (a) Survey research (b) Action research 
  • Evaluate any one method of sampling.
  • Present an outline of the research report.
  • Write notes on the following- (a) Quota Sampling (b) Purposive sampling (c) Accidental sampling (c) Correlational Research (d) Interview Schedule (e) Factorial Design (f) Distinguishing between reliability and validity.

M.A. First Year Psychological Statistics Important Questions

  • Explain the following- (a) Average deviation (b) Quartile deviation
  • Throw light on the merits and limitations of measures of central tendency.
  • Distinguish between Skewness and Kurtosis. Describe their types.
  • Define Analysis of Variance. Describe its assumptions.
  • Present a comparative estimate of parametric and non-parametric statistical methods.
  • Show your acquaintance with the following- (a) Range (b) Standard Deviation
  • Describe the application of the normal probability curve.
  • Show your acquaintance with the following- (a) Types of Skewness (b) Types of Kurtosis
  • Explain assumptions of the following- (a) ANOVA (b) Pearson Co-efficient of Correlation
  • What do you mean by a normal probability curve? Throw light on its nature.

Life Span Development Of Psychology Questions For M.A First Year

  • Define Life span developmental psychology. Describe its current status.
  • Discuss the merits and limitations of any one method of life-span developmental psychology.
  • Throw light on the merits and limitations of the cross-sectional method.
  • Throw light on the major problems of adjustment of Children or Adolescents.
  • Discuss the principles of development.
  • Explain the major types of development.
  • Describe the factors influencing any one kind of development.
  • Throw light on the factors influencing emotional development.
  • Throw light on the problems of the age.
  • Describe topographical or dynamic aspects of the mind.
  • Describe the Psychoanalytic approach to developmental psychology.
  • Evaluate the social learning theory of Bandura.
  • Show your acquaintance with the stages of Piaget's theory of moral development.
  • Describe stages of Piaget's Cognitive development.
  • Evaluate Bruner's theory of cognitive development.
  • Evaluate Kohlberg's theory of moral development.
  • Throw light on the characteristics and problems of adolescence.

M A First Year Psychology Assessment Questions

  • Distinguish between the interview schedule and the questionnaire. Describe the merits of the interview schedule.
  • Discuss the merits and limitations of Psychological Assessment.
  • Evaluate interview as a Self-Report technique.
  • Evaluate questionnaire as a tool of Psychological Assessment.
  • Describe the merits and demerits of the Personality Inventory.
  • Throw light on the various types of intelligence.
  • Discuss the purpose and uses of Projective Tests.
  • Describe any one personality inventory.
  • Show your acquaintance with various types of intelligence.
  • Describe factors influencing personal values.
  • Evaluate the Questionnaire as a tool for measuring human motivation.
  • Discuss the meaning and characteristics of emotion.
  • Describe the main techniques of measuring emotion.
  • Discuss any one interest test.
  • Describe any one test of measuring value.
  • Define the need for achievement and level of aspiration. Describe the relationship between them.
  • Throw light on major techniques of measuring emotion.
  • Describe the factors influencing the need for achievement.

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