M.A. First Year Political Science Important Questions 2024

Through this post, a collection of m.a. first year political science important questions for the 2024.

With the continuous practice of these questions, you can get good marks or grades in the examination. 

Write the questions of M.A. 1st year political science question papers in your notebook. 

After that read the chapter from the textbook. 

Understand the concept of the lesson and try to get the answers to the questions. 

With this process, you will also be able to know the answers to many other questions. 

In MA first year political science subject, you have to study ancient and medieval, modern, and contemporary political theory, comparative government and politics, international politics, Indian and world politics. 

Another question also comes what can I do after ma in political science? 

You can give the NET examination for the lecturer in a university. 

You can also get jobs for ma political science. That is Journalism, pursuing public policy, Civil Services, political secretary of politicians, administrative services, International relations, NGOs, trusts, Social organizations, and scientist (political). 

That means m. a political science scope is marvelous. 

Here basic political science questions have been given in front of you. 

Which is related to your syllabus. 

You can choose some good books to advance your knowledge of this subject. 

Let us solve the questions of MA political science subject here.

Political Science MA 1st Year

M.A. 1st Year Ancient And Medieval Political Thought Question Paper (Paper-1) 

  • Examine the Political Ideas of Manu.
  • Critically examine Plato's concept of the Ideal State.
  • Critically examine Kautilya's theory of Saptang.
  • Examine the political ideas of Bhishma.
  • Critically examine Plato's theory of Education.
  • Critically examine Plato's theory of Justice.
  • Discuss Aristotle's concept of Slavery.
  • Why is Aristotle regarded as the father of Political Science? Give reasons for your answer.
  • Discuss Aristotle's views on the Revolution.
  • Discuss the contribution of Polybius to Political Thought.
  • Examine the Political Ideas of Confucius.
  • Discuss Cicero's Political Ideas.
  • Explain the political ideas of St. Augustine.
  • Discuss the Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas.
  • Discuss Aristotle's concept of State.
  • Critically examine Aristotle's concept of citizenship.

M.A 1st Year Indian Political Thought Important Questions (Paper-2)

  • Explain the Political Philosophy of Machiavelli.
  • Why is Machiavelli regarded as the child of his time? Explain.
  • Critically examine Hobbes's theory of social contract.
  • Discuss the individualistic elements in Hobbes's Political thought.
  • Critically examine Locke's theory of Natural law and Natural Rights.
  • Why is Locke regarded as the founder of Liberalism? Explain.
  • Discuss Rousseau's concept of General will.
  • Describe Hegel's theory of State.
  • Discuss Green's ideas on Liberty and Rights.
  • Discuss Green's Views on Political Obligation.
  • Critically examine the theory of Dialectical Materialism of Karl Marx.
  • Critically examine the Marxian concept of State.
  • Examine the concept of Anarchism.
  • Discuss Lenin's views on political party and state.
  • Discuss the Political Ideas of Lenin.
  • Examine J.S. Mill's theory of Liberty.
  • Describe Mahatma Gandhi's ideas on Satyagraha.
  • Examine Hegel's concept of History.
  • Describe Jawahar Lal Nehru's views on democracy and Socialism.

M.A.1st Year Political Theory Important Questions (Paper-3)

  • Describe the concept of Political Theory.
  • What do you mean by Liberty? Discuss the positive and negative aspects of liberty. What are the safeguards required for liberty?
  • Discuss the Behavioural Approach to the study of Political theory.
  • Examine the value of P-act controversy in political theory.
  • Discuss the Classical Theory of Democracy. Differentiate Classical theory of Democracy from Elitist theory of Democracy.
  • Define Liberty and Equality and describe the inverse relationship between the two.
  • What do you mean by Rights? Discuss the various theories of Rights.
  • Discuss the concept of Justice and explain its various types.
  • Define Power and discuss its different kinds. What is its limitation?
  • Define Authority and describe its features.
  • What do you mean by Satyagraha? Describe the Gandhian theory of Satyagraha.
  • Examine Lasswell's concept of power.
  • Discuss the Pluralist theory of sovereignty with special reference to the views of Laski and MacIver.
  • Critically examine Austin's theory of sovereignty.
  • What do you mean by Political Violence? Describe its nature
  • Examine the concept of Legitimacy and describe its main features.
  • Write an essay on Rights.

M.A. First Year Important Questions On Contemporary Political Theory (Paper-4)

  • What is Liberalism? Discuss its main elements.
  • Write an essay on the Welfare State.
  • Distinguish between conservatism and Neo-conservatism.
  • Examine the factors contributing to the development of Internationalism. What are the hindrances in the way of effective Internationalism?
  • Define Nationalism and examine its importance.
  • Critically examine the doctrine of Multiculturalism. Distinguish between Multiculturalism and Liberalism.
  • Examine Fundamentalism as an Ideology.
  • What do you mean by Totalitarianism? are Communism Fascism and Nazism true expressions of Totalitarianism?
  • Discuss the views of Feminism on Citizenship and Justice.
  • Explain the views of Communitarianism on State, Rights, and Justice.
  • Critically evaluate communitarianism.
  • Discuss the meaning, origin, and characteristics of postmodernism.
  • Critically examine the doctrine of Fascism.
  • What do you understand by Liberalisation and Globalisation? Discuss the role of the state in the age of Globalisation.
  • Discuss the Political ideas of Feminism.
  • Define Nationalism and examine its importance.

M.A. First Year Comparative Government And Politics Important Questionss (Paper-5)

  • Write an essay on the development of Comparative Politics.
  • Explain the differences between the Constitution and constitutionalism. Examine different bases of constitutionalism.
  • Discuss the various approaches to the study of Comparative Politics.
  • Critically examine David Easton's System Model.
  • Define Political Parties and discuss their functions.
  • Discuss the main features of the British constitutional system.
  • Define the Political System and discuss its elements and features.
  • Critically examine the principle of Democratic Socialism as adopted in the constitution of China.
  • Describe the internal forces that influence the political process.
  • Discuss the power and functions of the American President.
  • Describe the main features of the American Constitutional System.
  • "There is Cabinet Dictatorship in Britain" Do you agree with this statement? Give your arguments.
  • Describe the composition and powers of the House of Commons in Britain and compare it with the American House of Representatives.
  • Describe the Swiss Federal System.
  • Discuss the organizational powers and functions of the American Senate.
  • Examine the features of the constitution of the People's Republic of China.
  • Give a critical analysis of the organization and jurisdiction of the Federal Judiciary in Switzerland.
  • Discuss the Powers and Position of the President of France.

Comparative Politics Questions (Paper-6)

  • Explain the utility and importance of the study of Comparative Politics. Distinguish between Comparative Politics and Comparative Government.
  • Describe the System Analysis Method of the study of Comparative Politics.
  • Discuss the organization and role of the Democratic Party in the American Political System.
  • Describe the other domestic and external forces which influence the political process of developing countries.
  • Discuss the working of the Uniparty system of the People's Republic of China.
  • The French party system is unique in the Multi-Party System. Explain.
  • How are the Fundamental Rights of the Citizens of Britain protected? Explain.
  • What do you mean by a Political Party? Throw light on various types of Party Systems in World.
  • What do you mean by Pressure Groups? Present its conceptual analysis.
  • How is the British Party System different from American Party System? Make a comparative analysis of the working of the Party System in both Countries.
  • Describe the factors responsible for the establishment of Democracy in Nepal.
  • Throw light on the characteristics of the Pressure Groups of France and compare them with American Pressure Groups.
  • Discuss the working of the Multiparty System in France.
  • Explain the main provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • Discuss the Fundamental Rights and Duties enumerated under the constitution of the People's Republic of China.
  • Describe the features and workings of British Pressure Groups.
  • There are no separate provisions for Fundamental Rights and Duties in U.K. & U.S.A. But the citizen enjoys their rights and perform their duties well. Explain.
  • Explain the main provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

M.A. First Year International Policies Important Questions (Paper-7)

  • Enumerate the meaning and concept of International Politics.
  • Explain the real meaning of Balance of Power. Analyze the importance of Balance of Power in the present Atomic Age.
  • Examine the ideology as a determining factor of International Politics.
  • Describe the Realistic Approach to the Study of International Politics.
  • Discuss the concept of National Interest. Explain its relation with National Security.
  • Define the Cold War and discuss its causes and impacts.
  • Define Disarmament and distinguish between Disarmament and Arms Control. What is the future of Disarmament?
  • Write an essay on the Unipolar World.
  • Define foreign policy and examine its objectives.
  • Trace the evolution of Regionalism and Regional Organization in the post-Second World War period.
  • What is the New International Economics order? Discuss with examples.
  • Discuss the achievements and failures of ASEAN.
  • Delineate the origin and development of SAARC.
  • Write an essay on South-South cooperation.
  • Discuss the impact of Liberalization, Globalization, and Privatization on the economic and political interests of developing nations.
  • Discuss India's policy of Non-Alignment. Examine its relevance in the context of the present-day World order.
  • Enumerate the contemporary agents of International Politics.
  • Write short notes on the following - (a) GATT (b) World Trade Organization (c) International Monetary Fund (d) Detente.

M.A. First Year India And World Politics Important Questions (Paper-8)

  • Describe the achievements of Indian Foreign Policy.
  • Write an essay on the position of South Asia in International Politics.
  • Discuss Indo-Nepal relations since 1950.
  • Examine the nature and extent of the Indo-Bangladesh relationship.
  • Examine the problem and prospect of the Sino-India relationship.
  • Discuss the Economic Relations between India and Germany.
  • Discuss Indo-American relations since 1991.
  • Describe the various aspects of the India-UNO relationship.
  • What do you mean by Terrorism? Explain India's policy on World Terrorism.
  • Discuss the relationship between India and West Asia.
  • Write an essay on the European Union.
  • Critically examine the Indio-Russia relationship.
  • Discuss Indian-Sri Lanka relations.
  • Examine the concept of the Third World.
  • Examine India's relations with Britain as a member of the Commonwealth.
  • Write an essay on the European Union.
  • Do you think India has become a major power in world politics? Discuss.
  • Give arguments in support of India's claim for permanent membership in the U.N. Security Council.
  • Critically examine American Foreign Policy towards India.

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