M.A. 2nd Year Education Important Questions 2024

You will get the collection of m.a. 2nd year education important questions 2024.

These 2nd year education questions are very important and relevant for you for preparation for the upcoming examination.

These questions have been repeated several times in past ma education question papers.

This paper consists of topics - Organizational Behaviour, environmental education, education administrative practice, teacher education, distance education, educational statistics, educational guidance and counseling, and Educational Assessment. 

Every year university sets a new question paper for the students. 

The question pattern may be changed for the new session, but they picked the questions from past examination papers. 

They only deduct those questions, which are out of the new syllabus. 

So, it is important tips for you to read the syllabus first and proceed with your exam preparation according to the guidelines.

This second year question paper follows the pattern of the previous year's question set. 

The best way to make decent education paper notes is to write down these questions in your copy.

Read the related topics in your education textbook. 

Understand the concept of the lesson.

Now start to write the answer by using your own words, that process helps you to prepare the m.a education second year questions and answer notes. 

These notes will help you - (a) memorize easily and (b) save time during revision.

M.A. 2nd Year Education Questions

M.A. 2nd Year Organizational Behaviour Questions

  • Define Organizational Behaviour. Describe the models of Organizational Behaviour.
  • Discuss the classical theory of organization.
  • Define Informal Organization. Describe the benefits and limitations of Informal Organization.
  • Discuss the main components of attitude and explain the influences of attitude on organizational behavior.
  • Describe the modern organization theory.
  • Define personality, Discuss the role of personality in organizational behavior.
  • Define Social Perception. Describe the factors of social perception.
  • Define organizational conflict. Describe the sources of conflict in the organization.
  • Define Stress. Describe the sources of stress.
  • Define organizational culture. Define functions of organizational culture.
  • Define Organizational Climate. Throw light on organizational climate and employee satisfaction.
  • Define group dynamic. Throw light on the functions of group dynamics.
  • Explain the concept of organizational motivation. Describe the types of motivation.
  • What is communication? Discuss the measures for removing barriers to effective communication.
  • Describe the type and level of conflict.
  • Describe the objective and importance of communication.
  • Write Short notes on the following:- (a) Influence of attitude on organizational behavior (b) Situational theory of Leadership (c) Distinction between Oral and Written Communication (d) Social Perception (e) Theory of Herzberg (f) Role of Environment in personality development. 

M.A. 2nd Year Environmental Education Important Questions

  • What do you mean by Environment? Discuss relations between humans and the environment.
  • What are the main components of the Environment?
  • Write an essay on the biotic Environment.
  • What are the meaning, aims, and importance of Environmental Education?
  • Describe the relations between Environment Studies and Social Sciences.
  • Describe the meaning and type of Eco-system.
  • What are natural resources? Describe the importance of the forest as a resource.
  • What are the different methods of teaching Environmental Education? Describe the steps of the Lecture Method.
  • What is the purpose of Natural Resources Conservation? What are the problems of resource conservation?
  • What is the Bio-Geo-Chemical Cycle? Discuss its types.
  • What are the causes of the shortage of water? How can this problem be managed?
  • What are the uses of solar energy in India? Discuss.
  • What is desertification? Describe the types of deserts.
  • What do you mean by Natural Resources? Explain the importance of forests as important resources.
  • What are the sources of air pollution?
  • What are Land Slides? Discuss its causes and types.
  • How can wildlife be properly managed?
  • Write Short notes on the following:- (a) Physical Elements of the Environment (b) Kinds of Land (c) Classification of Pollution (d) Important Articles related to Environmental Pollution (e) Carbon Cycle (f) Acid Rain (g) Components of Soil (h) Importance of Bio-Gas.

M.A. 2nd Year Education Administrative Practices Imp Questions

  • Distinguish between Management and Administration and discuss various functions of educational administration.
  • Describe the meaning, importance, and scope of Educational Administration.
  • Discuss the nature and main principles of Educational Management.
  • Define 'Supervision'. Discuss its various types.
  • Explain the different factors of Educational Administration.
  • Explain the various approaches to Educational Administration.
  • What do you understand by Formal School Organization? Discuss its characteristics, merits, and demerits.
  • Describe the Educational Administration at the State level.
  • Write an essay on "Various Levels of Management".
  • Discuss the Management process theory of Fayol.
  • Critically examine the concept of centralized and decentralized administration.
  • Explain the essential qualities of a good leader.
  • What do you mean by the term communication? Explain the different elements of communication.
  • Describe the meaning, types, and process of communication.
  • What is ‘Leadership’? Explain the different types and styles of ‘Leadership’.
  • What do you mean by institutional planning? Discuss its types and importance.
  • Define Power and discuss the characteristics and sources of Power.
  • Discuss the meaning, types, and importance of Organization.
  • Critically examine the principle of Unity of Command.
  • Write Short notes on the following:- (a) Educational Administrative Process (b) Principles of Educational Management (c) Education and Modernization (d) Characteristics of Power 

M.A. 2nd Year Teacher Education Question Paper

  • Explain the concept and scope of teacher education.
  • What is a teaching skill? Discuss various types of teaching skills.
  • Describe the National Council of Teacher Education and its work.
  • Discuss the need and importance of a Lesson Plan.
  • Describe the skill of stimulus variation and reinforcement.
  • What do you mean by maladjusted teachers? Discuss reasons for maladjustment in teachers.
  • What are the standards of Teacher Education?
  • Explain the need and importance of research in the field of teacher education.
  • What are the research areas for Teacher Education? Explain the steps of research.
  • State some of the important reasons that necessitate the training of teachers.
  • Describe the phase-wise development of Teacher Education in the U.S.A.
  • Write an essay on teacher education in the U.S.A.
  • What is the role of the teacher in school organization?
  • Critically examine the problems of teacher education in India.
  • Describe the co-related teaching activities.
  • Define timetable. Explain its purpose and type.
  • Write Short notes on the following:- (a) National Education Commission 1964-66 (b) Art of Narration (c) Origin and development of lesson plan (d) Remedies for Teacher Education related problems (e) Assumption (f) Problems of School Management (g) U.G.C (h) Historical Research.

M.A. 2nd Year Questions On Distance Education

  • Describe the meaning and nature of Distance Education.
  • Define distance education. Mention the basic key elements of the structure of distance education.
  • "Emergence of Distance and Open Education is a historical necessity in India". Explain its major related issues.
  • Describe the origin and development of distance education.
  • Explain the theory of Auto Peter's Industrial process.
  • Describe the major problems of distance teaching.
  • Explain the basis of distance education.
  • What is the transfer of learning? Explain the conditions of transfer.
  • Write different types of tutor comments.
  • Describe the Foster methods of learning.
  • What are the major tasks for the distance teacher? Describe the role of a distance teacher.
  • Who are the teachers in Distance Education? Explain their responsibilities.
  • Explain the concept of Educational Evaluation in distance education.
  • Discuss the role of media in Distance Education. Also, highlight the strengths and limitations of print and non-print media.
  • Explain different forms of self-instructional text material.
  • Critically analyze the Course Team Approach of Distance Education.
  • Explain the important issues related to distance teaching in the Indian Situation.
  • Write Short notes on the following:- (a) Self Learning Material (b) the Problem of Distance Education (c) Evaluate System in Distance Education (d) Major theories of Communication (e) Open University and Distance Education (f) Assessment of distance education (g)  Grading System (h) Counselling service in distance education.

M.A. 2nd Year Questions On Educational Statistics

  • Discuss the meaning of Statistics. Explain its functions and utility.
  • Explain the need for statistics in daily life.
  • Explain the difference between Parametric and Non-Parametric statistics.
  • Explain the following terms with examples:- (i) Frequency (ii) Class (iii) Lower limit and upper limit of the class (iv) Midvale 
  • Describe the method of graphical representation of data and discuss its advantages.
  • What is the definition of analysis of variance? Explain its meaning.
  • What is Regression? Discuss its Limitations of Linear Regression.
  • What is the difference between Correlation and Regression?
  • Explain the relation between ANOVA and t-test.
  • Explain the nature and meaning of the data.
  • Discuss the method of two-way analysis of variance
  • Write short notes on the following:- (a)Characteristics of x? (b) Parametric Statistics (c) Non-Parametric Statistics (d) F-test

M.A 2nd Year Edu Guidance And Counselling Questions

  • Define Guidance. Describe the objective of guidance.
  • Explain the main theories of guidance.
  • Describe the need for educational guidance at the secondary level.
  • What do you understand by vocational guidance? Throw light on the needs and aims of vocational guidance.
  • Describe the importance of school and curriculum in vocational guidance.
  • Define Counselling. Describe the meaning and objective of counseling.
  • What do you understand by Placement Service? Discuss the placement functions and responsibilities of the school.
  • Describe the main phases involved in the counseling process.
  • Define Counselling. Discuss the characteristics of an effective counselor.
  • Describe the problem of making cumulative records in India.
  • Define Interest. Describe the different methods of measurement of interest.
  • Describe the need for Research in Guidance.
  • Define cumulative record and discuss its importance.
  • Describe the features of deaf children. What are the causes of deafness?
  • Define the Aptitude test and discuss its various forms.
  • Define Problem Child. Explain the ways of educating a problem child.
  • Discuss the behavioral problems of students and their remedial measures.
  • What do you understand by Self Analysis Service? Discuss its need at junior high school and secondary levels.
  • Write Short notes on the following:- (a) Placement Service (b) Function of Counsellor (c) Problem of Talented Children (d) Educational Backwardness (e) Responsibility of School in Vocational Guidance (f) Guidance Centred Course.

M.A. 2nd Year Questions On Educational Assessment

  • Describe the meaning and characteristics of Educational Evaluation. Discuss its important principles.
  • Define Educational objective. Discuss its various types.
  • What do you understand by Measurement and Evaluation? Describe its main differences.
  • What is the rating scale? Evaluate rating scales as a tool of measurement and evaluation.
  • Discuss the qualities of a good evaluation tool.
  • Make a comparative study of essay examination and objective examination. Are the two systems antagonistic to each other?
  • Describe the merits and demerits of objective-type examination.
  • What do you mean by schedule? Making a distinction between schedule and questionnaire throws light upon their importance.
  • Explain the various steps involved in the construction of an educational test.
  • Explain the meaning and nature of attitude in detail.
  • What is test standardization? Discuss its important characteristics.
  • Show your acquaintance with inventory as a tool of measurement and evaluation.
  • Discuss the meaning and types of scaling.
  • What do you mean by an item of an educational test? Throw light upon the characteristics of such good items.
  • Describe the meaning, purpose, and types of Achievement Tests.
  • Explain the concept of Question Bank and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
  • Define Intelligence. How it is measured?
  • Write short notes on the following:- (a) Questionnaire (b) Grading System (c) Validity (d) Types of Examination.

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