BA 3rd Year Home Science Syllabus 2023-2024 Session

Today you will get b.a third year home science syllabus 2023-24 session.

This syllabus is a common syllabus for all students, who passed the second-year exam and moved to the third year for the next level of preparation.

A university syllabus has these characteristics. 

That contains a list of what is to be taught, content items or processes, time schedule, objective, the approach of methodology, recommended materials, etc. 

This home science ba 3rd year syllabus provides the descriptive course list. 

This is made and designed by the university teachers.

You will get the guideline or outline of the subject too.

Each and every university announced its own amended or new syllabus for the next session.

If you received the new syllabus, then focus on that.

Otherwise, move with this for the preparation for the examination.

This b.a 3rd year home science syllabus contains the all chapters in detail for the convenience of students' education.

This syllabus consists of a summary of the particular subject. 

You can know the topics, assignments, and schedule of the subject by reading this syllabus. It also covers the instructions. 

You will get some suggested books for the preparation of notes on this subject. 

Let's start.

Home Science BA 3rd Year Syllabus

B.A 3rd Year Home Science 1st Paper Syllabus

Paper-1: Child Development

  • Meaning of growth and development, Principles of growth and development, Normal pattern of physical growth and development from birth to adolescence, and the psychological implication of physiology changes in boys and girls.
  • Social Development - Process and agents of socialization, Role of inter and intra-familiar factors, the effect of “peer” and gang groups.
  • Types of child-rearing practices and factors affecting child-rearing practices. 
  • Learning Stages of learning, Creativity.
  • Role and significance of nursery School Types and methods of nursery School education.
  • Adjustments and Problems of Adolescence ~ Physical, Motor. Psychological emotional and moral development. Frustration and conflicts.
  • Philosophy and need for marriage, selection of Partner, advantages of arranged and self-choice marriages, the establishment of the family, and adjustment with family members.
  • Children with special needs and their management.

B.A 3rd Year Home Science 2nd Paper Syllabus

Paper-2: Extension Education

  • Concept of Home Science, Concept of extension Role of Extension Education in Development of Home Science, Meaning and Need of Home Science Extension Education.
  • Role and use of Audio-Visual aids in Extension education. Types of Audio - Visual aids and their importance.
  • Concept of Community Development, Role of Extension Education in rural and urban community Development.
  • Kinds of educational institutes - Formal And Non-Formal and their contribution to education in India, Teaching and Learning Process.
  • Program Planning, Controlling, and Evaluation. Execution of the Programme factors to be considered cost, selection of staff and helping hands, facilities, equipment, and Audio-Visual aids.
  • Different National and International Programmes and agencies working for human welfare.
  • Observation, Interviews, Case Study, and Questionnaire Schedule.

B.A 3rd Year Home Science 3rd Paper Syllabus

Paper-3: Nutrition And Dietetics

  • Essential components of food, carbohydrate, Fat proteins Vitamins and Minerals, their requirement function, sources, and deficiency disease.
  • Planning Diets - Concept of an adequate diet Foods, principles involved in planning diets. Availability, Quantity, Quality Cleanliness nutritive values, Food habits, measures, and metric measures.
  • Infant - Breastfeeding, Bottle Feeding wearing baby food p Home Cooked and Commercial. Growth and development in relation to nutrition, feeding problems, and supplementary foods.
  • Children - Diet of preschool and school-going children school tiffin.
  • Adolescents - Meals at home and public places, Diet of a college student.
  • Adults - Diets for adults of various socio-economic groups. Diet during pregnancy and lactation. 
  • Old age - Food habits of older people, the food requirements and special problems. 
  • Diet in diseases and special conditions - the importance of diet therapy, the concept of dietetics, modification of normal diets to soft and liquid diets. Diet in fever, Diarrhea, constipation, Peptic Ulcer, Hepatitis, Cardiovascular disease, Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, Obesity, and undernutrition.
  • Cooking of various dishes: (a) Snacks (b) Baking Items (c) Party and Festival Dishes (d) Sweets and Desserts

B.A 3rd Year Home Science 4th Paper Syllabus

Paper-4 Clothing And Textile

  • House linen, stitching, and embroidery: Details of household linen, selection based on characteristics and needs and characteristics of fabrics, thread count, shrinkage, Labels, and reliable brands.
  • Some Common household linen: Cushion covers, Pillowcases, Tray covers, Teacosy, Table cloth, Dinner mats, Napkins, Study of different designs.
  • Fitting Problems: Individual fitting problems and how to remedy fitting defects.
  • Study of different Traditional textiles of - (a) UP (b) Punjab (c) Gujarat (d) West Bengal

You will get ba third year home science book with the writer's name. 

These books are very helpful textbooks for the preparation of home science papers. 

B.A 3rd Year Home Science Book

  • Patni Manju - House Management, Star Publication, Agra
  • Dr. Podeya Kanti - Home Management, Bihar Granth Academy, Patna
  • Dr. Sharma Lalita - Housing and Home Decor, Star Publication, Agra
  • Dr. Reena Khanuja - Home Management, Resource Management, and Interior Decoration
  • Sehgal, S, and Raghuvanshi - Textbook of community nutrition
  • Puri S - Nutrition in old age
  • Swanson P - Adequacy in old age (Role of Nutrition)
  • Susan G. Dudek - Nutrition Essentials for nursing practice 
  • Andrien M - Social Communication in nutrition
  • Macias Y. F. & Glasauer P - Guidelines for assessing nutrition-related knowledge, Attitudes and Practices
  • Collier, A. M - A handbook of textiles
  • Hess, K. P - Textile Fibres and their Use
  • Vidyasagar, P.V - Handbook of Textiles
  • Vilensky, L. D. and Gohl - Textile Science

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